Jerry Brown Orders Mandatory Water Restrictions
Gov. Jerry Brown ordered mandatory water use reduction in
the state of California for the first time in the state's history. He has ordered the State Water
Resources Control Board to restrict water by 25%. This restriction will affect homeowners,
who will have to reduce the watering of their gardens and lawns, which are two
of the primary sources of water use in the state. Farmers on the other hand
will not be affected.
Mr. Brown even went so far as to say that "The idea of your
nice little green lawn getting watered every day, those days are past." Further, officials say that they are prepared
to enforce the new laws if necessary with fines, etc. The water agencies have
been instructed to raise rates of heavy water users and to reward water
conservers. The chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board said that
most of the restrictions will target outdoor uses of water such as watering
lawns and gardens.
A good option for those who wish to keep their lush green
lawn and still abide by the new water restrictions is to install a synthetic
grass lawn. New synthetic grass technologies look just as good as natural grass
and are just as functional. Synthetic grass will reduce water usage
drastically, and eliminate expensive use of other resources on lawn
maintenance. Yes, Mr. Brown is correct, the days of watering your lawn every
day are gone; but, thanks to synthetic grass, the days of having a nice green
lawn are here to stay.